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American Farmers to Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month

icon Jan 11, 2024

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icon April 6, 2023

Moe Wigsoe

This is insanity. You KNOW the WEF-CDC-Deep State are engaged in genocide with these designer diseases and “vaccines,” and you are HELPING THEM poison the FOOD SUPPLY??

icon April 6, 2023

Richard T Desprey

This must be stopped.. have we lost our minds?

    icon April 6, 2023


    Name names. Name locations. We must know

icon April 6, 2023

Colt Baldwin

The spike protein/mRNA poison has been proven to be life threatening. People are dying everyday because of it. It’s NOT a vaccine and has zero impact on virus prevention and the spread. It cripples immune systems.

This is genocide.

icon April 6, 2023


Notice that none of the billionaire globalists are talking about curing world hunger or eradicating disease, both things that would help humans. Instead, the focus on climate change, a nebulous crisis that will never be solved (how would we know?), with a permanent revenue stream. They focus on getting us jabbed up, and now our food sources, with gene therapies that unarguably are causing serious injuries and deaths. Don’t fool yourselves, the objective of the wealthy tyrants is clear, and the best interest of the large masses of society are not part of it.

    icon April 6, 2023


    How do you tell if your meat is not affected by this MRNA poison?

      icon April 6, 2023

      Colt Baldwin

      If you haven’t had a heart attack, stroke, or 2 bouts of Covid in 3 months after eating it, you should be OK.

icon April 6, 2023

Wes Kelly

One of my customers told me his friends Dairy herd was injected with the poison 2 weeks ago here in Canada, and he didn’t comply he would not be able to sell his milk. I will not be buying any dairy products cheese, yogurt, ice cream, milk, or beef products unless I grow it myself as they auction off the old dairy cattle in Canada and they butcher them and make hamburger and blended beef products here. I imagine all animals including lamb, pork, and in turkey and chicken feed. Partner with your friends and raise your own meat and vegetables. Farmers are NOT doing this voluntarily because they want to, they are forced to or go Bankrupt.

icon April 6, 2023


All my congressman Jim McGovern talks about is food for the poor, he probably thinks this is a safe subject for a liberal . I sent him this article and await his response. Everyone should send them this information and make them aware and get on the record their position on this subject. Pulling the pin on a hand grenade in ignorance gives you the same result as doing it on purpose knowing the outcome.

icon April 6, 2023

Anthony Wyan


icon April 6, 2023

Rob Kiviranta

Fish is for dinner.

    icon April 6, 2023

    Ed Buck

    Unfortunately almost all freshwater-caught fish in the U.S. have been poisoned for years with pfas/pfos chemicals. Be careful out there.

icon April 6, 2023


In looking at the Medicago website, they are ceasing operations. Maybe we still have hope for untainted food.

icon April 6, 2023


God is going to turn the CONUS into a 400â€Č deep water filled crater in only 45 minutes

Be Prepared.

    icon April 6, 2023


    Good I hope he starts with DC first so we can watch it happening live.

icon April 6, 2023


Americans are cowards they stood up to the British in 1776 but now they lack the balls to stand up to their government in spite of owning enough firepower to destroy the British 1,000 times over in 1776.

    icon April 10, 2023

    Think AboutIt

    And, why are you not going to war against the government then? You are just bitching about it online, what does that make you?

icon April 6, 2023

Marcy Johnson

Beyond redemption đŸ€Ź

icon April 6, 2023

Ed S.

False information; they are not using mRNA ‘vaccines’ in cattle. At least not at this point.

Statement Correcting Internet Falsehoods About mRNA Vaccines in Cattle

NCBA Statement Correcting Internet Falsehoods About mRNA Vaccines in Cattle

    icon April 6, 2023

    Chud Hater

    This whole site is full of misinformation.

    he’s scaring stupid chuds to sell his meat, which probably got it from the local grocery store.

    Remember these people voted for Trump, you can sell them anything by scaring them.

    Did you get too many guns and ammo that are not selling? Tell them they’re taking away your guns and they’ll rush to buy them off you.

      icon April 7, 2023

      Ed S.

      Wow! Are you really that ignorant to make that garbage up just because you don’t like the meat? Get a life and go back to your mommies basement so you can watch Rachel Madcow for your latest talking points.

      Clearly you’re not living in the real world but then again that’s a liberal for you, brain dead and irrational.

    icon April 7, 2023


    Did you not listen to the article? He said the vaxed beef is on american grocery stores from foreign countries and can be “USDA inspected” and “product of USA” if it was merely packaged in US. You can’t tell whether the beef in your grocery store was actually grown in the US or not.

    icon April 10, 2023

    Ed S.

    My mistake, I had the false impression that the Cattleman’s Association was on the up and up regarding mRNA ‘vaccines’ in the cattle but apparently they’re not as is revealed in this subsequent article. ALERT: mRNA-Spiked Milk Emerges in Push to Vaccinate Food Supply There doesn’t appear to be a way to edit my first comment.

icon April 8, 2023

Jonny real

FAKE !!!
Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) released a statement in regard to false information circulating on social media about the use of mRNA vaccines in cattle:

“There are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States. Cattle farmers and ranchers do vaccinate cattle to treat and prevent many diseases, but presently none of these vaccines include mRNA technology.”

    icon April 10, 2023

    Ed S.

    That’s what I first thought but since the Cattleman’s Association came out against blocking mRNA ‘vaccines’ in the milk, one would have to assume they’re onboard with mRNA but don’t want the public to become aware so as to hurt their bottom line. ALERT: mRNA-Spiked Milk Emerges in Push to Vaccinate Food Supply

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